Rachel Elliot OT coach smiles on a beach

Hi. I'm Rachel Elliott.

Hi. I'm Rachel Elliott.

For OT practitioners, clients and parents.

Welcome to
Nurturing Connections.

I’ve had a long, winding career across two decades of occupational therapy. From public health to founding a company, clinical supervision to being hands-on with clients, one philosophy leads the way. A calm, collaborative, supportive approach is what empowers people to thrive, achieving more than they ever thought possible.

I use this approach to make a difference for clients, parents and practitioners — uplifting OTs to flourish in career and business, while touching the lives of clients each day.

Occupational therapists are invited into my world, where I welcome you to take shortcuts from my experience. OT is a unique industry that weaves many skill sets together, but you don’t have to navigate without a map. Together, we find clarity, uncover your best path forward, help you dodge pitfalls and set you steps ahead to make a real, impactful difference through occupational therapy.

Plant your seeds here. I’ll nurture you to grow and thrive.

Supervision, mentoring and training.

Become the practitioner you were meant to be.

From career to clinic, business to client care, success looks different for every OT. With so many paths forward, it can be disorienting to manage your aspirations while balancing every bit of your beautiful life. I’m here to bring clarity to your occupational therapy journey.

Supervision & mentoring

Clarity is what I offer through supervision, mentorship and coaching — whether we are discussing clinic and clients or strategising your business. I nurture your relationship with clients, career and yourself, so you carve a path you’re proud of.

training & workshops

Occupational therapists are brightest when we bloom together. Flourish and thrive with webinars and online workshops designed to power your OT career, while absorbing bite-size bits of wisdom through downloadable resources.

We are Nurturing Connections

Rachel Elliot OT with her dog on the beach
child's leg covered in messy chalk
mother feeding child watermelon in bath
father and daughter playing on a jetty looking at ducks


How to Approach Proagmatic Planning as an Allied Health Business Owner

I was recently interviewed by Cathy Love in her podcast for Allied Health Business Owners. Tune in to hear all about my journey from an OT to a business owner and some stories about clinical supervision at https://www.nacre.com.au/podcast-approach-pragmatic-planning-allied-health-business-owner/

We are Nurturing Connections

Occupational therapy is about people.

Let’s be great ones.

Those who wander into the Nurturing Connections world are encouraged to abide by a set of values that lead our work each day. We lead businesses and client care with a philosophy that empowers everyone to thrive.

  • We fulfil our promises, take ownership of commitments and show integrity in everything we do.

  • We demonstrate compassion as we create safe spaces for reflection, learning and feedback.

  • We are grateful to be able to support and encourage others, and we share this gratitude often.

  • We take ownership and responsibility, without excuses, blame or denial to hold us back.

Rachel Elliot supervising OT walks her dog on the beach

How I’ve planted my roots in occupational therapy…

  • 21 years as an Occupational Therapist

  • 10 years as an Occupational Therapist Supervisor

  • Bachelor of Occupational Therapy, University of Newcastle

  • Medicare Provider for Chronic Diseases and Better Access to Mental Health

  • AHPRA registration #OCC0001726608